181 West Church Street Pickerington, OH 43147

(614) 837-1744

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to give us a call



William L. Griffin

Sandra B. Griffin



God called us in 1982 to minister to Him by establishing the Christian Counseling Center. He called us to bring His healing spiritually and emotionally to the individual, family and marriage. We are seasoned professionals with passion and commitment to God and His church. We realize He is the Healer - so in short, we are licensed by the State of Ohio, and anointed by God.


Our backgrounds are diverse; traditional church and Judaism. We are now "one in Christ" where there are no differences. We serve as a healing hand to the church - of all denominations.


Contact us at the phone number to the left or email us at griffin_chrcounsctr@yahoo.com for additional information



This Ministry is registered as a non-profit corporation

in the State of Ohio and with the Internal Revenue

Service and is qualified to receive tax-deductible





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Please visit our new companion website: Healing Word Radio for a categorized list of all our radio programs



Copyright © 2008-2025, Christian Counseling Center